

Backgrounds | Binds | Characters | colors | Features | Fooms | Links | Newbie's | Feedback | Forum | Smiley's

You can customize your background by selecting one of 19 backgrounds that are currently available and then changing the colors of the outer and inner rings. That gives you alot of possible ways to edit your character with tons of combinations.
Click on the profile button if you would like to change your background. Then click on the Character tab, then click the Background tab to customize your background select a different one, change it's color, etc. This only applies to your online profile, not your single player character.
You can switch your background during the game as well. All you have to do is type in the background name with the / in the chat balloon and click enter. The backgrounds and their names are below. There are two backgrounds that I can't figure out the name for.
Example: /shrub



